Temporily back on line, thanks to son loaning me his wireless thumb drive.
The boat and hubby still down in Bunbury, the transmission has been repaired and re installed but he won't be able to sail back until Thursday next week as Bob can't make it until Wednesday.
Tuesday there is an expected blow of 35knots so he has managed to get a temporary pen at DPI as it won't be very comfortable in Koombana Bay.
So it looks like being Thursday before they set sail and if they stay overnight at The Cut in Mandurah it will be Friday night before they arrive back in Mindarie. So hopefully they will have good winds and conditions so they can sail back and not have to motor.
Rather a blow having this go wrong, but I guess M2 is getting on in years so it is to be expected things will need to be replaced. By the time we have finished she will up for another 20 plus years.
Hope the redoubtable M2 is feeling better soon - looking forward to some lengthy sails together when we are home Love to the Mindarie Mafia and of course to you Jx