Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Freo Weekend

The sail to Fremantle was very good apart from waking Saturday morning with a migraine and feeling very off, so while Bob & Frank readied the boat to start the trip I went back to the bunk and slept. I woke as we were passing Cottesloe, got up and made myself some brekky so I could deal with the head. We were on the motor all the way as there was no wind.
We had a call from Kat to tell us that she could see us and then we spotted several other yachts closer into shore headed for Fremantle.
We arrived just after Dan & Kat and slipped in, in front of them, successfully tied up to the pier and shortly after the others started arriving.
We helped tie each one up as they came in and all looking forward to the weekend ahead.
I started to put the cushions out into the cockpit, slipped the stern seats up into the cockpit and one was knocked down and landed right onto my big toe. It knocked the wind out of me with the pain as these seats have a wooden base and are quite heavy.
It took sometime for the pain to subside but it was obvious by the state of it that any walking for me on the weekend was out. So I was hobbling around for the rest of the weekend.
Apart from that catastrophe the weekend went really well and all really enjoyed it.
Dinner was in the Fremantle sailing club that night and much hilarity, especially when Rita told Frank to get up and sing the song he had written for the Dockers football team. He was rather embarrassed but did it in good spirits and apart from Grant telling him not to give up his day job did rather well.
I took some pain killers before retiring, hit the pillow and woke at 5.45 feeling much better.
The toe certainly wasn't any better but apart from that I was feeling good.
Frank, Bob & I had a coffee at the club mid morning and then lunch before getting ready to set sail at 2pm. The wind was rather high all morning but it was predicted to lessen later, so we all set off on the return trip. Another motor sail, but Kat & Dan were closer into shore and said they had a good sail. The swell was quite high and at times the coast was blocked as a large swell passed.
Kat & Reid were on the jetty to grab ropes and help us as we came in and then it was happy hour to celebrate another lovely weekend.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

preparations for the Fremantle cruise.

Had to wait this morning for a front to pass over before heading to the boat. It was quite rocky when we boarded and had a bit of trouble telling my head that it was all in the mind.
cleaned the cupboards and restacked everything while Frank scrubbed seagull left overs off everything they could possibly leave their left overs on. Someone in the marina is obviously feeding the seagulls on Olives as most of their doops have olive seeds in them. Thankyou whoever is doing that dastardly deed.
The weather fined up and it turned out rather nice apart from the chill setting in around 5pm.
It was then a rush to get home, gulp a bit of tea down and head to the club for the monthly meeting. (we have given up on the over expensive meals at the club and not really good food. A few vegies along with the main would be rather nice.)
Tomorrow Frank will be helping Grant Pitman out on his boat, diving to check the hull and prop, then onto Mindarie to do ours. Reid on Sadiquie Ra has offerred two bottles of wine if he will check their boat while he is in the water. So that's the plan as well to check their prop and see if it isn't clogged up with little sea creatures.
I will be doing the food shopping for the weekend sail to Fremantle, then we will spend the night on board so we can be up and on our way by 6am. Bob will be joining us for the weekend as well and will come after dinner tomorrow night.
The weather is looking pretty good. 27deg on Saturday and 33 Sunday but very little wind so will possibly have to use the old iron sail for most of the way.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fremantle here we come

Well finally we are getting prepared to do a weekend sail to Fremantle. Tomorrow will be on the boat getting everything ready for the weekend. The prop needs attention so Frank will be diving down and cleaning that up.
Lots to do to get ready as we haven't been on board or done any sailing for quite some time. The first big job will be removing all the sea gull doops on the deck and bimini's. It has been suggested that we change the name of the boat to Johnathon Livingston seagull. No doubt they will have re built the nest that we destroyed the last time on board. So there will be some very unhappy seagulls this weekend.
It is the first time we have sailed to Fremantle since we bought Meridian 11 from the Fremantle sailing club, so it will be interesting to see if she is recognised by anyone who knew her when she was penned there.
She certainly looks a lot better than when we bought her as she has had a complete face lift with her paint, new bimini, spray dodger, seats and steps.
So hopefully the weather report that has been issued stays the same and we have a very pleasant sail.

Monday, October 3, 2011

sailing season

Well the new sailing season is upon us, now all we need is the weather to go with it. So far this spring it has been more like winter, rain, wind, freezing cold, simply put, not nice.
On Saturday we went to the boat for a few hours and rather disgusted at the amount of seagull droppings all over the boat, they had even painted my step stool that I use to get on board.
Dan & Katrina are thinking of changing our boat name to Johnathon, (Livingston) due to the amount of bird doops all over it.
Sadly we have some lovely cray fishermen in a boat near us who leave their left over lunch out for the seagulls to finish off, so they think we are a friendly lot. Bird nests have been built on a few boats and one in progress on the bow of Meridian 11 which quickly became dismantled when Frank saw it. A few eggs got lost over board and one very unhappy seagull who I am sure squarked some good Australian verbs at the offender.
Dan & Kat came for a coffee and one of the other guys on our finger who has a lovely catermaran. It cullminated into a very lively and hilarious discussion on eliminating seagulls.
We watch the weather window constantly for good days and Frank has bought a hoodie so he can dive and have a look at the hull and not freeze to death.
The next job is to do the antifouling and joy!!! Frank has agreed to put a gate for me to get on board more easily. I think he capitulated because he found that his shins were always getting barked when jumping on board, but that's ok, so long as it gets done, I'm not too worried if it wasn't done for me.
So here's to praying for some lovely sunny days and calm seas and I might even give in and go out on our own just to make the Skipper happy.