After spending five days on board, we are back home again with all the chores of a home staring me in the face. It doesn't take long to realise that living on a boat is so much easier than living in a house with all the extras that go with it. Floors to wash, furniture to dust etc etc. What takes 15 minutes on a boat takes me all day in a house if not all week. I made the comment that the longer I live on a boat, the less I need a house. I wonder how I would feel about this if I didn't have the house back up. It could make a difference. Just know that walking through the front door and seeing how much needs to be done here I wanted to flee back to the boat.
I think the most enjoyable thing about boat living is the village atmosphere, here inside four walls one doesn't know what is going on outside of them and can become so isolated. While living aboard there is always someone popping by, walking past & stopping to have a chat.
But for now it is back & forth between the two and making the most of the opportunities of having a permanent home to return to with all the modern comforts.
No! You don't need a house! Sell, sell, sell!!!! Living aboard us the best :-)